Grief is a natural response to any kind of change or loss, not limited to death but spanning over 40 different stressful experiences. Regardless of the loss, individuals often grapple with unresolved feelings, especially after a relationship ends or changes (ex. death or estrangement). Using The Grief Recovery Method, we are able to address this unfinished emotional business.

Our grief group and individual sessions equips participants with actionable steps to navigate through their pain and move forward. We use the Grief Recovery Method, which is a scientifically tested evidence based program to healing, to offer specific strategies to help individuals overcome their grief.

8 Week Support Group Session

Grief is deeply emotional and can stem from various life changes like death, divorce, or other losses. We understand that each person's experience is unique, and we provide a safe environment with specific tools for recovery. Our evidence-based support groups offer a secure setting for grievers to address their emotions effectively and take meaningful steps toward healing, regardless of the type of loss they've experienced.

Cost: $299 per person (includes grief recovery kit)

7 Week Individual Session

Dealing with emotional loss can be isolating, and finding effective support can be challenging. Remember, grief is a matter of the heart, not the mind, and seeking help is a courageous choice toward healing. While some people prefer to work in a group setting with other grievers, many find it easier to work individually with a specialist. Our one-on-one program offers privacy and utilizes proven methods to guide you through the healing process, either in-person or online, over seven sessions.

Cost: $499 per person (includes grief recovery kit)